Join us for a well-deserved evening of kid-free fun at our BYHC Casino Night on Friday, January 31st from 7 - 11pm. This annual fundraiser is a fun night of dinner, dessert, and drinks. Try your luck at the table games with 'Stars Bucks,' enjoy music from our DJ, bid on silent auction items and enter to win a fun themed raffle basket. Money raised will go towards keeping yearly dues reasonable.
This year's event will be held at Martin's Valley Mansion, 594 Cranbrook Rd, Hunt Valley, MD.
To secure your tickets, fill out the following Google form:
Payment will be accepted via Paypal ($90) or cash and check ($85). Tickets will increase $5 on January 1st. Get yours early!
We are trying to offer each non-parent coach a free ticket to the event. We encourage each team to coordinate buying a ticket for their coach/coaches. If you'd like to purchase a ticket for your coach specifically, please indicate the coach's name on the Google form. The Google Form also has an option to donate to the Coach Fund. This money will go towards a pot that can be used to provide free or discounted tickets for any coaches whose team did not buy them one. Again, if your team or an individual wants to buy a ticket for a specific coach, please make note of that in the Google form, otherwise it will get added to the general coaches fund.
Interested in sponsoring a table game? We have two table sponsor spots left and would love to work with you to promote your business as you support the Baltimore Youth Hockey Club. Contact Kate Sontag or Kayla Garner. for more information.